The Society of St Vincent de Paul was formed in Paris in 1833 by Frederick Ozanam, a student at the University of Paris. The society grew rapidly, but the friends soon realised that actions speak louder than words and began to distribute firewood to the poor in winter, and later food. Visiting the poor in their homes was an essential part of the work of the conference. SSVP IS A REGISTERED PUBLIC BENEFIT ORGANISATION - NPO 003/193 - DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
SSVP Bryanston - Year End function at Nino's in Douglasdale
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
A well manicured and cared for garden in Diepsloot X12.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
The September dental hygiene drive proved successful, and parishioners donated toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels and face cloths. SSVP distributed these items to grateful families in Diepsloot. Families in X12 broke into spontaneous clapping when they were told of this gift from the Bryanston parish.